Friday, May 23, 2008

The Luv Of My Life ...

The last one year has been a really nice eventful year with me being held up big time in various activities. Never had I ever realized that time could fly really faster than u actually think and want. Never had I been so busy in my life - to an extent of getting several abuses from my old friends :).

It had been a really great roller coaster ride - Emotionally and Physically!!! Hard days were very easy to come by and it was not that easy to get rid of them. That's when I realized, though every now and then we get to meet new people only a few stay while others move along.

It would not be an exaggeration if I were to say that the last year was the best days of my life in spite of all the lull incidents and again it wouldn't be just if I don't mention “It was all because of only one person". This one's dedicated to her and ONLY her.

“Hard as stone,
With hidden fears;
She loves in silence,
No one hears.

Eyes of ice,
Never to melt.
Locked feelings,
Never felt.

Spirit of steel,
Never broken.
Frozen emotions,
Left unspoken.

Heart of gold,
Beautiful soul, As sweet as it can be,
She means so much to me.”

She was pretty much there in all the happiest and also the saddest moments when u look back at them. It has always been the case of “Been there, Done that” Attitude. I will not forget the visits all through Chennai and especially Globus. And yeah seriously I don’t have words as to say how much she means to me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Memories on the Railway Tracks

I still remember the first day I waited at the deserted platform, in anticipation of the local daily at 12.50 under the sweltering heat. It used to be now or never situations – U miss it, U get screwed up at the college, cause u end up without having attendance for half day if u don’t come on time for the first hour. Man, College was demanding, the agony of traveling in a crowded train, even more.

Local Suburb In Chennai

The first day of my college saw me being accompanied by my dad’s office boy, who was pretty much familiar with the stations and the routes. I soon realized that there’s nothing to fuss about since there were only 2 stations in between Saidapet and Nungambakkam. What started of as the only feasible and economical mode of transportation, soon became a place where new friendships started to develop amidst the crowd and the heat.

A little Exaggerated Pic !!! The Horiffic Days Of Broad Guage Conversion

Then came in the days when there was the Broad-Gauge conversion in progress. Those days were like HELL. It looked so much uncomfortable and so damn uneasy. There was a day when we went all the way to the Beach (Last Station) on the opposite direction and took the same train so that we could be seated for a while.

There were many incidents that range from fighting with the counter person for the timely issue of the railway pass to a close call when hanging by the footboard. Well you must be wondering, so what’s the big deal traveling in a train? Well It was during the college days. Be it early morning for the gym or late night after the movie, I was always assured that there was a mode of transportation I can bank upon. I have seen a radical transformation over the last 3 years – And yeah I Love Trains in all the tenses and that’s the reason am scribbling something here. It sure was Memories on the Railway Tracks