Friday, June 22, 2007

My College Life – Episode 1

I did my B.Com, before completing it recently at Loyola College, Chennai. Ever since I chose Commerce as my background, it had always been a dream for me to get into this college. I still remember my Mom telling me once when we passed through the college, that she desired me to be a product of this college. Somehow I managed to get 95+ percent in my boards and managed a seat into the coll. The first revelation about the college’s bossy attitude came when I was outrightedly denied a seat in the day college by the principal, though a person scoring 650 on 1200 being a catholic and from the backward community scored a point over me. This was not all; the admission process on the whole was very pathetic. Our college was huge, so they had enough space to conduct the interviews for every department. This worked out to be our main disadvantage because we were made to roam around. Worst was the fees payment. With Rs 12000+ money in my hand, I was asked to wait, just like others nearly 4½ hours to get the fees paid. Disgusting!!!

Well with so much ambition, I entered into the college. We had our Orientations on the first and the second day. We were not allowed to go out even to drink water. The NSS cadets were bullying around with the juniors. There were open warnings stating that the student would not be allowed inside the college and would be denied admission if they did not attend the 2 day orientation. After attending three-fourths of the first day orientation and some how breaking through the NSS, I dared not to attend the second day orientation, just like many. Then the big day arrived, the official opening day of the coll. We were made to lurch around the corridors searching for our classrooms every floor. Many of my classmates still recall themselves sitting in a wrong classroom and realizing it only after a day or two.

The Subjects though were very interesting as in contrast with the professors. Only then I realized, in college life, the likeness of the subject and the teacher handling it were directly proportional to each other and also the marks scored in the subject, were directly proportional to the teacher liking the student. We had really bad teachers. Many though qualified and experienced, were not able to teach properly. (Ex) Accounts were thought verbally folks. The teacher hardly used the chalks. Another one, English professors really didn’t know what to teach and ventured into matured topics that became the order of the day, any day.

The rules were strict – Very strict. Though lack of attendance meant payment of fine and other severe consequences, we used to Mass bunk classes and became the only class unified together in this one thing, right from the beginning. The days just moved on with not much hype and me scoring just above average than many. Studies were then the main criteria to set you apart. No exposure to the external activities at all during the first year. Luckily I had a nice group of friends who gelled together right from the day one. The specialty of course in the first year was the Mahabalipuram trip we ventured as a group, excl. one. And what was special in that??? Me falling off when the cameras were rolling L. Became quite famous then on for many reasons. Then came the first Bday treat by Abishek, our Devdas. Lots of Movies side by side with The Village being the first one. The Coffee shop was also very famous incl. the Egg Parotta at the Old and Gold Canteen. So much for the first year at a college named Loyola. Interestingly Loyola managed to be there in the top ten colleges in commerce that year. Still confused and wondering how!!!